Professional competence
Regulation credits
Sunday, April 4, 2014
Finally! Now we could know for sure if a Professional has more or less professional competence. Just checking the number of CFP. We are living in a so strange country but also full of great imagination. Eventually we managed with the Regulation to update the professional competence published in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry of Justice.
Construction Technical Regulations 2008
Milan Engineers Order
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
At about 3 years since the Technical Regulations for Construction (NTC 2008) and related explanatory Circular No. 617 of 02.02.2009, the commission Structures of the Order of Engineers of Milan has resigned an interesting and critical document that shows lights and shadows of the legislative framework which greatly innovated the field of structural calculations and verification methods.
Resolution of the EU Parliament
Redevelop the existing building
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The building is about 12% of the GDP of the European Union while the buildings account absorb about 40% of energy consumption and are responsible for about 36% of greenhouse gases emissions. The homes also are not prepared for climate changes; in all countries there are homes that are not enough cool in summer and not warm enough in the winter...
Resources are not limitless
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The resources are neither infinite nor eternal: the antidote for the unlimited production is sustainable degrowth. From the French Revolution onwards, the policy options have been polarized with respect to two ideologies: right and left. After Tangentopoli and traumatic early 90 ', we have seen the so-called “end of ideologies”, which turns itself in only one ideology.
The best energy...
Quoting Lucien Kroll
Monday, November 22, 2010
After the first creative periods, the Modern Architecture generated criminogenic forms: the rebellions of the French suburbs teach. In Clichy-sous-Bois 10,000 cars were destroyed and nobody (police, justice, psycho-sociologists, politicians, urban planners) has yet discovered what, how and why it happened. We just know that this involved only the "big sets" of prefabricated buildings.